Urban Design

The Urban Design Department is headed by MYS associate Renana Samuelov-Jindi, a geographer and urban designer. The department specializes and deals exclusively in urban building plans, both in Israel and abroad. Services range from consulting to evaluations and maximizations of the potential of the land in question, to preparing master plans and urban building plans on various levels until their approval. This work is done with coordination and management of the entire process vis-à-vis the relevant authorities and entities.

Avner earned his degree in architecture in 1987 from the Technion Institute of Technology.
Eshcar earned her B.Arch in Architecture in 2015 from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Vadim earned his M.Arch in Architecture in 1986 from the Moscow Academy of Architecture in Russia.
Ronit earned her B.Arch in Architecture in 1988 from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Mais earned her B.Arch degree from from Bezalel in 2017.
Yair earned his B.Arch in Architecture from the Technion in 2009.
Nitzan completed her master's degree in urban and regional planning and design at Tel Aviv University in 2022.
Chani earned her B.Arch degree in architecture from the University of Bezalel in 2022.
Rinat earned her B.Arch degree in Architecture in 2019 from WIZO Haifa.
Sama earned her B.Arch degree in Architecture in 2023 from WIZO Haifa.