Tzameret Tower


Location Tel Aviv, Israel
Status Completed in 2010
Size 34,000 sq.m
Client Osif Investments and Development Inc.


Located along the northern edge of the prestigious Tel Aviv Tzameret neighborhood, this project brings together two affluent neighborhoods with completely different building styles.

The design consists of a 31-storey high-rise building connected to a low-rise wing in an L shape with large gardens, spa and a swimming pool at the ground level intersection. A spacious 30-meter-high atrium integrates the wings and open spaces to the north and south. Tzameret Tower has a grid pattern, combining white granite and glass that adheres to the design language of the neighborhood.

This construction enabled an open plan with placement of living rooms at the corners, freedom of design for the residents and unobstructed views of the amazing Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan skyline.

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