Ningbo Life Science and Technology City

Location: china, Ningbo
Status: Concept Design
Size: 238,220 sq.m
Client: Zhejiang Jianjing Invеstment & Consultments Co.,Ltd.

The Ningbo Life Science and Technology City is situated along the main road connecting the cities of Ninghai and Ningbo.

The plot allocated for the Ningbo Biological Industry Innovation Center Of Shanghai  - Institute Of Materia Medica is approximately 142,600 sqm.

The task of the design team was to turn the Ningbo Life Science and Technology City project into a comprehensive campus which will illustrate the commitment for innovation, excellence and sustainability.

The design team focused on a concept based on a dialogue of interlocked opposites, kind of a DNA chain link, which we called the Green Dragon alternative.

The composition of chain of buildings, and its unique geometry is integrated into the hills natural topography, resembling a giant dragon resting above the hills.

The creation of a linear wavy structure, which derives from the site topography, defines the edges of the compound and becomes the membrane between the natural fabric and the man made one.

Each compound has its unique layout composition, defining the duality between the existing unique topography and the corresponding man made forms and surfaces.