IBM Headquarters


Location Petah Tikva, Israel
Status Completed in 2001
Size 46,800 sq.m
Client IBM


Located in Petah Tikva’s hi-tech hub, IBM’s office building is an elongated oval structure whose unique design makes it seem like a slice of a larger sphere.

To strengthen the building’s impact, use was made of an unusual horizontal opaque glass brise soleil on the east and west elevations that furthers its resemblance to the famous typeball of IBM’s 1961 Selectric typewriter. The interior divisions between the different floors follows the outer shape of the building, while the service elements of the building have been pushed to its sides, leaving the inner park views for the glass elevators. A spectacular, open spiral staircase connects the 9 floors and creates an inviting connection between the departments on different levels.

The IBM building's oval shape enhances the visual exposure to the main traffic artery to the west, a location, coupled with a memorable design, that has turned it into an architectural icon.

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